We have many people to thank for putting Pizzeria DeVille on the map and this page is dedicated to them. We encourage you to support these people and their businesses.
The Goebeler Company and especially Tom Goebeler
Chris Lanty and Customize 60048 for his tireless efforts
Cam, Brett and Jason
Dean Zanella
Jared Batson at Nomad Pizza
Libertyville Bank & Trust Company
Steve Soble & Phil Carneol at Spare Time Chicago
Charlie, Davey and Julya at Pizzaiolo, Oakland, CA
Francine and Andrew Feinberg, John Adler and the entire crew at Franny's, Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY
Sergio Hernandez at the BKLYN Larder
Matthew Polumbino and Sergio Pardo at Motorino, Williamsburg and the Lower East Side
Allison and Michael at Bakesale Betty, Oakland, CA
The crew at Coalfire in Chicago
SONO Pizza Chicago
Adam Ferguson at Soulsight® for Brand Design, Web Design and Creative Direction
William Frick & Company (Jeff and Lori)
Tony Alfonso at Pizzeria Neo, St Charles and Naperville
Steve at Serio Pizza, Lakeview
David & Sandy Whitmore
Murphy's Health Food Store & Juice Bar
The Leggy Bird Ladies
DiVinci Painters
Bleck & Bleck Architects
North Shore Sign Company
Metropolitan Fire
Premier Comfort and Heating
Hansa Coffee
Daniel Paul Plumbing
EHS Elevator Services
RJ Electric
All of our retail and restaurant neighbors who have been so supportive of our efforts - And YOU