Indian Chieftain Oil Level
Learn how to check the oil level on your...
Indian Chieftain Bluetooth Radio
Pair your device with the Indian....
Indian Chieftain Radio
Get the most out of your Indian Chieftain...
Indian Chief Classic & Vintage Instruments
This video gives you an overview of the...
Indian Motorcycle Touring Test
Serious Riders Like the Indian Motorcyc...
Jay Leno's Garage
Jay test-drives the 2014 Indian® Chief M...
Motorcycle of Libertyville is the premier dealership in the
Chicago North Shore. We provide the community with legendary Indian
Motorcycle products, exciting rider experiences and a welcoming
community. Our passion for the
Indian® Motorcycle heritage and its game changing products,
motivate our team
to provide you with the best buying and riding experiences. We
really enjoy what
we do and it shows.